pretty salty __ dessert cider.png
  • Rose hips, hibiscus, rooibos tea, pink salt, prosecco-like bubbles

  • Pairs well with mirrored sunglasses and standing by your morals.

  • #prettysalty

LUCKY: Traditionally swallows are a symbol of good luck. Seeing a swallow on the open seas served as a trusted sign to sailors and pirates that land was nearby.

LUCKY: Traditionally swallows are a symbol of good luck. Seeing a swallow on the open seas served as a trusted sign to sailors and pirates that land was nearby.

Storm out __ Spiced cider.png
  • Notes of birch, cinnamon, green anise seed and black lava salt

  • Pairs well with trunks of booty and handling life like a hardcore.

  • #stormedandsalty

BRIGHT FUTURE: The arrival of a swallow during a storm signaled that better weather was on the horizon. They mark the passage through tough times and the promise of better ones ahead. So if you’re going through hell, grab a case of cider and keep on…

BRIGHT FUTURE: The arrival of a swallow during a storm signaled that better weather was on the horizon. They mark the passage through tough times and the promise of better ones ahead. So if you’re going through hell, grab a case of cider and keep on going.

Little spoon __ barrel aged cider.png
  • Nutmeg, dark brown sugar, vanilla bean, cream, bourbon, smoked salt

  • Pairs well with sheepskin rugs and knowing there is no magic pill to success

  • #cuddleharder

LOYALTY: The swallow chooses a mate for life. That’s right, love, loyalty, commitment, and all that good schizz. No matter who or what you love, the swallow is a symbol for love and loyalty to the family.

LOYALTY: The swallow chooses a mate for life. That’s right, love, loyalty, commitment, and all that good schizz. No matter who or what you love, the swallow is a symbol for love and loyalty to the family.

morning wood __ hopped cider.png
  • Heirloom apples, fir tips, ginger, wildflower honey, floral hops

  • Pairs well with designated drivers and having some f*ing fortitude

  • #nevertooearly

HOMECOMING: Swallows are a symbol of homecoming. Sailors would tattoo swallows on their chest so that their souls would be carried to heaven when they died. And since we’re from the best west coast, this homey cider is infused with the trees of our …

HOMECOMING: Swallows are a symbol of homecoming. Sailors would tattoo swallows on their chest so that their souls would be carried to heaven when they died. And since we’re from the best west coast, this homey cider is infused with the trees of our homeland.

double Fisted __ spirited cider.png
  • Lime juice, agave, cinnamon, smoky mezcal, grey salt

  • Pairs well with weekends and finishing what you set out to do

  • #smokeyrims

FIGHT: Getting swallow tattoos on your fists mean you’re a good fighter. Not afraid to stand up for you want you know is right. Fast hands in a fight.

FIGHT: Getting swallow tattoos on your fists mean you’re a good fighter. Not afraid to stand up for you want you know is right. Fast hands in a fight.

extra miles __ fruited cider.png
  • Blackberry, muddled mint, lemon zest, juniper berries

  • Pairs well with champion mindsets and taking fate into your own hands

  • #drinkharder

ADVENTURE: If a sailor had a swallow tattoo, it meant he had sailed all seven seas, had sailed around the horns, or had crossed the equator at least once. If your future plans don’t include an epic trip and a case of cider, you’re doing life wrong.

ADVENTURE: If a sailor had a swallow tattoo, it meant he had sailed all seven seas, had sailed around the horns, or had crossed the equator at least once. If your future plans don’t include an epic trip and a case of cider, you’re doing life wrong.
